
Xcelsius 2008

Learning Outcomes:

  • Using the instructions from the manual successfully create your first dashboard.
  • According to the exercise, correctly create a pie chart.
  • Following directions, demonstrate with 95% accuracy your ability to create a State map.
  • Successfully export a model to a PowerPoint file as shown in the practice exercise.

During this two day workshop the student will develop a familiarity with the extensive features of Xcelsius for turning Excel spreadsheet data into an interactive dashboard for business analysis that is visually appealing and professional.

     Intro to Xcelsius

  • Getting Started with Xcelsius
  • The Xcelsius Workspace
  • Creating your First Dashboard
  • Preparing Excel Spreadsheets for Dashboards
  • Single Value Components
  • Creating Charts
  • Creating Menu Based Dashboards
  • Creating Dashboards with Alerts
  • Map Components
  • Enhancing Dashboards
  • Advanced Menus & Charts
  • Advanced Functionality
  • Advanced Components
  • Customization & Exporting Options

Xcelsius 2008

During this two day class you will learn step-by-step instructions in how to use Xcelsius Menu, toolbars, file types, dashboard, and canvas properties.  Create a dashboard using the design process and components. Prepare your Excel spreadsheet, learn functions supported, data modeling, metrics, tabs, The Query Wizard and Charts.  Review component, button, and tab, and color tab options. Learn how to create a variety of charts and their components. Create menu based dashboards, add alerts, add animation, use selectors, table components, the radio button and grid components.  Create maps. Add art, images, and background components. Look at slide show options, create a scenario button, use the trend icon and other tab options. Learn advanced features for menus and charts, flash files, pictures, password options, and other advanced components. Learn to customize themes and templates and import and export to different formats such as Flash player, HTML, Word, PDF and PowerPoint.

Class targeted to:        Students needing to learn the vast capabilities of working with dashboards for Business Intelligence analysis and how to enhance PowerPoint presentations.

Prerequisites:  Windows: Introduction and a good working knowledge of Excel.

CEUs:  Upon successful participation in class and completion of all assigned exercises,   participants may receive up to 1.3 CEUs for this class.

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