Team Building – Surviving the Storm!

Team Building – Surviving the Storm!

Learning Objectives:

  • Accurately define the term storming after having participated in classroom discussion.
  • Define three situations that are part of the storming process and formulate a plan for bringing your team through each should it occur.
  • Using role plays evaluate possible resolutions for conflicts and select the best resolution based on the processes and human behavior aspects learned in the session.

This one-day program is led by a certified PMP and is designed as a trouble-shooting session for the Project Manager and his team.

* The Phases of Teams: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing

* Understanding why the Storming Phase occurs.

* Learn to identify behaviors both positive and negative during the Storming Phase

* Develop techniques for reducing and correcting negative behaviors

Team Building – Surviving the Storm!

Participants in this class will learn how to: Control the storm. Take advantage of the storm. Lead the team to success by guiding them through the storm and bringing them into the next stage of norming. Storming is the most difficult and least understood phase of team development. It can also be the most uncomfortable. Explore both the processes and human behavior aspects of team development and maintenance. Throughout the training, the participants will be exposed to many of the theories and techniques of developing individuals and teams. Bring your team together to learn about the storming phase and ensure a productive, positive outcome.
Class targeted to:

Project Managers and their teams to provide a better understanding of the team building process, each person’s role, and to learn proven techniques for resolving naturally occurring conflicts between team members.

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