Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees

Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees

Learning Outcomes:

  • Using information provided in the classroom demonstrate competency and list the pertinent sexual harassment laws which should be followed in the workplacde.
  • Based on provided role plays analyze situations presented and effectively apply the knowledge and skills gathered to select the appropriate behavior.
  • Compare and contrast the role of the supervisor and the role of the employee in the enforcement of laws related to sexual harassment.
  • Given various sets of circumstances, assess situations provided and successfully propose ways to resolve them that safeguards the rights and the dignity of all the individuals involved.

This half day session is designed to make all employees aware of laws governing sexual harassment, company policy, and possible instances of harassment.

  • Know What the Law Says
  • Identify Instances of Sexual Harassment
  • Know Your Company’s Policies
  • Assess the Work Environment
  • Recognize Your Own Responsibility
  • Examine Your Attitude and Behavior
  • Dating in the Workplace
  • Accept Personal Responsibility
  • Share Your Knowledge
  • Take All Complaints Seriously
  • Keep Current in Education and Information
  • Continue to Improve

Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees

Performance-Based Objectives:

This session will prepare all employees to gain an understanding of what the Law says the definition of Sexual Harassment entails. You will learn the difference between intent versus perception. Look at forms of unwelcome behavior and illegal verbal or physical conduct. Be aware of off-duty conduct. Learn specific court decisions and how they might affect you and your company. Review and understand your companies written policies and practices. Assess the work environment such as the physical layout, discuss observed conduct of others and how to show and practice sensitivity toward others. Identify your specific role within the workplace and know what is expected of you. Consider words and actions toward others acknowledging areas for needed change. Discuss dating in the workplace. Encourage an attitude of mutual respect. Take all complaints seriously. Maintain awareness by reviewing any update materials, participating in continuing education, and reviewing your own attitude and behavior.

Class targeted to:

All employees



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