Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Learning Outcomes:

  • Based on classroom discussion, effectively list various presentation styles discussed, and explain under what circumstances they are appropriate and for what audience.
  • Working with a partner, review various role plays and successfully list behaviors or habits to avoid, why they should be avoided, and propose alternate behaviors.
  • Using certain presentation information, work together with a partner to prepare an outstanding presentation opening to seize attention.
  • Participate in and evaluate presentations by others and effectively analyze their strong and weak points. Practice your presentation to emphasize strengths.

During this session, the speaker will develop their innate talent and learn new techniques to hold the attention of their audience. Learn Power Presentation Tips.

• Irritating Behaviors to Avoid
• Body Language
• Speech Patterns
• Capture the Audience
• Developing Believability
• Channeling Anxiety into Confidence
• Creating Effective Visuals
• Learn the Style that Suits you Best
• Boost your Confidence and Poise
• Practice, Practice, Practice

Public Speaking

Take a look at your own personality to see what presentation style suits you best. Capitalize on the pluses, minimize the negatives. Learn habits or irritating behaviors that should be avoided.
Discover phrases or speech patterns to be used or shunned. Take a look at how to use body language effectively. Determine ways to seize the audiences’ attention and keep them riveted, wanting to come back for more. Use humor to warm up the audience and hold peoples’ interest. The picture says it all or does it? Learn presentation techniques by creating eye-catching visuals.

Class targeted to:
Anyone needing to learn to present topics to a group or to conduct meetings.

Please Note:
These classes are highly participatory and interactive. Hands-on experiences/case studies may be discussed as a teaching method.

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