Project Management for the HR Professional

Project Management for the HR Professional

Learning Outcomes:

  • After participating in classroom discussion, accurately list the phases of the Project Management Lice Cycle and the project manager’s role in each phase.
  • Given a set of circumstances, effectively demonstrate techniques for planning and sequencing project activities.
  • Using a current project of your own, successfully analyze financial issues and prepare a project budget.
  • Using scenarios provided in class, demonstrate techniques for controlling deviation from budgets and schedules.

Two days of time well spent learning the “how to” of creating projects and taskforces to address urgent large-scale programs and improvement plans. In addition, HR participation is increasingly requested for non-HR project teams. Learn to lead or excel on a Project Team using roles and methods common to successful Project Management.

• Overview of Project Management Concepts and Components
• Project Life Cycle
• Project Roles and Team Selection
• Managing the Triple Constraints
• Project Management Tools
• Applicable Information and Data Development
• Defining the Scope
• Controlling the Project
• Communicating Successfully
• Recommendations

Project Management for the HR Professional

Taught by a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) you will learn the basic functions in initiating a project, principles and concepts involved; understand the Project Life Cycle and roles of all selected to be involved in each phase of the project. Define the scope of the project; develop a Project Schedule; determine resource requirements and tools needed; estimate project costs; create a quality management plan; document roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships, assign project staff, create a plan to adequately communicate to everyone involved in the project and those needing a summary of completed actions. Learn best methods for executing the project plan and generating the final recommendation(s).

Class targeted to:

Human Resource Vice Presidents, Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders and Professionals.


Project Management Fundamentals would be helpful.

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