Give a Presentation: Who? Me?

Give a Presentation: Who Me?

Learning Outcomes:

  • After classroom discussion accurately list presentation styles, when they are appropriate and for what audience.
  • Given a topic, successfully create a three minute presentation and present it to the class.
  • Using a list of criteria, effectively determine what information is necessary for the presentation and organize the information in order of importance.
  • During participant presentations evaluate presentations by others and articulate their strong and weak points. Expect to have the same done for your presentation.

This half-day motivational session will provide short vignettes and tips in an active, participatory manner. Yes, you can speak in front of an audience and do a great job! Questions are encouraged in this give and take session.

* Enthrall your Audience
* Handling Disruptions
* Channeling Anxiety into Confidence
* Boost your Confidence and Poise
* Practice, Practice, Practice

Give a Presentation: Who Me?

Determine ways to seize the audiences’ attention and keep them riveted, wanting to come back for more. Use humor to warm up the audience and hold peoples’ interest. Learn techniques for handling the problem child. Discover how to build your own confidence and displace the anxiety that troubles us all. Learn superb opening techniques.

Class targeted to: Anyone needing to gain confidence and learn exciting presentation tips to enhance their skills.



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