Doing More with Less
This one-day workshop will inform the participant and instill the desire to find creative ways to manage money, time, and resources.
- Impact of Change on you and your Organization
- How do you Normally Respond to Change
- Exercises to Share Actual Experiences
- Discussing Solutions
- Examining Work Processes
- How can Work Processes be Changed to Save Resources
- Planning your Day and Week
- Identifying Priorities
- Dealing with Interruptions and Time Wasters
Doing More with Less
Participants will examine the impact change has made on themselves, their workplace and organization. They will then look at how they normally respond to change and other exciting, innovative ways to reach solutions. Short sessions will be used to share experiences and the results. Then discussion can be held on possible solutions incorporating the mantra of being able to do more with less. There are 5 steps to examine your work processes keeping in mind the interaction between your job, your co-workers, and your organization. Learn how to take the necessary steps to streamline, employ new methods, innovate. Learn ways to prioritize your time and manage interruptions and time wasters.
Class targeted to: Anyone undergoing drastic changes within their work environment.
Prerequisites: None
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