Notes: Mail and Calendar Features
This course is for the new user of Notes and covers the critical skills needed to start sending and responding to email, maintaining your Calendar and scheduling meetings.
* Overview of Notes
* Working with the mail database window
* Creating and sending messages
* Managing Mail
· Creating Contacts
* Using the Calendar
* Group Scheduling
* Using the To Do list
* Managing other users’ Calendars
* Using Notes remotely
Notes: Mail and Calendar Features
Upon successful completion of this one day course, students will be able to:
Identify the components of the Notes client environment and explore the mail database. Create messages by using Address Books, explore mail delivery options, reply to and forward messages, and attach a file to a message. Organize documents by creating folders, copying and moving documents to folders, and deleting folders, and create and use rules. Use the calendar to schedule time by setting Calendar preferences and by creating and editing Calendar entries. Schedule meetings by creating and replying to meeting invitations. Learn to use the To Do list.
Class targeted to:
Students desiring to learn more about email, scheduling and calendaring
Windows training or equivalent knowledge.
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